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Wii 2 (Project Cafe) to "rape" the competition at E3?

Former Rare graphics engineer Christoper Seavor had some interesting things to say about the Wii successor being shown at E3:

"So, i'm quite excited about E3 this year, ironic really now i'm out of the backstabbing grind that is the majority of dev these days. Nintendo will rape them...RAPE. Hare, meet tortoise. Tortoise, this is hare. 'Hare.......', said the tortoise. 'Here's a big f@#$ you!' "


Usually people don't make those kind of statements without something to back it up. So I'm thinking that he has had some behind closed door viewing of Wii 2 games that must have blown him away. Either that or he was drunk when he said this....I'm leaning to mildly sober...

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